Strength and Beauty – Beauty of a Woman #BOAW17


Is anyone out there?

It has been a looooong time since I have written anything, blog included.

One year, actually.


I had another baby!!

My two little hearts… (copyright Tiffany A. White)

That’s right—I now have two boys under the age of three.  Crazy, right?  I am blessed to get to stay home with them; but needless to say, they keep me insanely busy.  As a matter of fact, I’m sitting here typing these words as they simultaneously nap—a VERY rare occurrence in my house.  Never did I think I would be a stay-at-home mom.  And never did I think it would be as difficult as it is to get two babies to sleep at the same time, especially at night.

On any average night, I am usually up a minimum of three times between midnight and 8AM.  It’s safe to say my sleep suffers greatly when at least two of those stints lead to an hour’s worth of breastfeeding.  But hey—I can catch up on TV while nursing, a pastime that I don’t get all that much time to enjoy anymore.

I am tired.  But what mom isn’t?  Heck, what woman isn’t?  We ladies usually take on enough to keep us busy 25 hours a day.

Wait.  What?  There’s only 24 hours in a day?

This brings me to the point of today’s post.  The reason I am forfeiting my naptime—some of the only minutes a day that I have to myself.

When August McLaughlin approached me about joining her 6th Annual Beauty of a Woman Blogfest, I knew I wanted to participate.  I realized I would probably struggle to find the time to write anything, but I wanted to AND I knew it would feel great to do something besides being a wife, mother, and housekeeper.  Although, I do love my new job.  I do.  Motherhood is probably the most difficult job I have had to date, but also the most rewarding.  However, blogging again, even if just this one post for the next year, would feel wonderful, especially writing about such an important topic—women’s beauty.

So, thank you, August.  Thank you for pulling me back in.

Now, enough rambling…here goes:

By definition, beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or platform, or something else.

So what is beauty to me?  Or better yet, what makes a woman beautiful?



But today, I’m going to focus on just one of the many reasons why women are beautiful: our strength and ability to persevere.

When we run into one of life’s detours?  We drive right through it.  Women have the ability to push through any of life’s obstacles.

For example—my exhaustion.

I am beyond exhausted.

I can’t even put into words how tired I am— eye-crossing, head-dropping, deliriously tired.

And apparently whiney, but I have the right, in my opinion.

Regardless, I push through, get as much done as I possibly can without collapsing, and attempt to make each and every day as special as I can for my boys (hubby included). It’s not easy, and I’m not perfect, but it’s my best. And trust me, not being perfect is REALLY hard for me.

But seriously, and no offense to the opposite sex—I love my husband… he works hard so I can stay home; he loves me and spoils me and the boys more than he should (but don’t tell him that!); he also picks up where he can around the house to help me—but women run circles around men.  Perhaps this is all due to our ability to multitask?  Sure.  But I like to think it’s because we are the real HERcules.

In Greek Mythology, Hercules was a male, son of Zeus; but in today’s society, women are definitely HERculean.

We are strong. Physically strong.  Emotionally strong.  Mentally strong.  And this strength makes us beautiful—inside and out.

There is nothing we can’t achieve or accomplish.  I learned this firsthand during pregnancy and childbirth.  Our bodies do amazing things.  I have seen my husband stub his toe—he couldn’t birth a baby.

I love you, honey.  🙂

Not all women choose to be mothers, and that’s okay.  We are all still equally strong.  We may not feel confident in our beauty every day.  We may not believe in our beauty every day.  True; but we are.

So own it, ladies.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Now, I am not sure this post makes sense or that I haven’t repeated myself over and over.  Chances are I’m rambling and I’m jumping all over the place.  But I hope I’ve at least conveyed one simple message.


It’s time for me to now go brew another cup of my Heaven, my lifeline, my momma juice as I call it—COFFEE!

Thanks again to August for hosting such an awesome event and for inviting me to participate.  As wonderful and as beautiful as us women are, we do need the reminder now and again.

Be sure to stop by August’s Blogfest page to join in the #BOAW17 fun.

Until next time…


Tiffany A. White is the author of the YA mystery Football Sweetheart series available on Kindle and Nook.  She is available for contact via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or via email at tiffany {at} tiffanyawhite {dot} com.




23 Replies to “Strength and Beauty – Beauty of a Woman #BOAW17”

    1. Thanks, August! Thank you for having me. It might not be the best blog I have written, but it felt so good to write and share. My outlook on women’s strength and beauty has transformed since having my babies. In a wonderful way.

  1. I am SO impressed you gave up your naptime for us! I’m feeling pretty special right now. 🙂

    I remember that bone-deep exhaustion. It goes so deep that when you finally get the chance to sleep, you have to kind of ease into it because your warrior woman body keeps waking up and going, “What are you doing?” I promise you, it will pass.

    And in a wonderful post, is it wrong that I couldn’t stop laughing over this line?

    ” I have seen my husband stub his toe—he couldn’t birth a baby.”

    Still dying.

    1. Thanks, Jenny. I know you understand and I look forward to the day when I don’t drag myself to the coffee with my eyes still closed.

      And you know it’s true… 🙂

      Love ya, lady!!

      1. I can’t tell you how many times I poured my coffee into something…not a coffee cup. You’re asleep on your feet so sometimes coffee accidents happen. 🙂

  2. Ha ha! My ONE son is 12 now, but you took me right back to my sleep deprived days when he didn’t sleep. Ever. I was a nutball… so thank you for taking a rare moment when they are both sleeping to pop into the blogfest! Great to hear your fresh-mommy voice! Wishing you love and light and some sleep:)

    1. Nutball… that’s a great description. My husband says these boys have drained my brain! 🙂

      Thanks so much for the kind words, wishes, and for stopping by. It’s nice to meet you, Kimberly!

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