Taking Care of Our Girls – Beauty of a Woman #BOAW2018

Well, here we are again. It’s time for my annual blog post, thanks to August McLaughlin’s beautiful self and her 7th Annual Beauty of a Woman Blogfest!

BOAW18 Image

(I really do plan to blog more, seriously. I even have a few posts ready to go!! I am hoping this post is my version of a jumper cable. But anyway…)

By definition, beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or platform, or something else.

Now in my third year of participation, I thought I would continue on one of my previous year’s posts and talk about the importance of a woman’s breasts.

Men have always appreciated a woman’s breasts. Not to belittle a man, but they love to ogle a woman’s boobs and do from early on. My boys are one and three years old and they adore my chest, of course they fed off of them for almost a year and a half each. Additionally, an industry thrived for decades because men love to stare at and fantasize about a woman’s breasts. There is nothing wrong with any of this.

Boobs are beautiful.

But have we as women appreciated our breasts as much as the men? Probably not. We’re our worst critics. I bet as a whole, we complain a lot about the pair we have… much like our hair, our thighs, and any other body part we deem imperfect. Notice I said ‘we deem’…

But guess what? Our breasts are AMAZING!

Small, large, super-sized, droopy, perky, it doesn’t matter.

All boobs rock!

That is why it’s important for us to take care of our sisters.

Now 41, it’s time for my first mammogram. I should have had this done at 40, but I was breastfeeding. And before we decide 100% as to whether or not we are finished adding to our family, my OB/GYN is sending me in.

I have my breasts manually checked annually at my female exams. And now it’s time for my mammogram. Not because I have ever been given reason to worry but because of my age. Afterall, this imagery test is just another standard preventative test.

But I’m not going to lie–I am nervous. Like I said, I haven’t ever received any news from my doctor to lead me to worry. Nor do I knowingly have a family history. However, I have known multiple women with breast cancer.

Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. It attacks 20 somethings; it attacks 60 somethings; it even attacks men! If you have boobs, and everyONE does, you are at risk.

So it’s my time to get checked. It’s my responsibility. My health is not only important to me, but an absolute must for my boys. The way I look at this, I have no other choice.

My Babies Feet
My Babies Feet. Loves of My Life. For them, I would do anything. (Copyright Tiffany A. White)

Naked from the waist up, covered only by a medical gown, and free of all lotions, powders and deodorants, I walked into the imagery room. The butterflies fluttered ferociously in my belly.  Just like in labor and delivery, I repeatedly reminded myself to breathe. Deep breaths. Deeeeeep breaths.

Is it painful?  Having given birth vaginally twice, I say no. Is it uncomfortable? Yes, but not for my breasts. Most uncomfortable was definitely my armpits.   The technician pulls and repositions the girls in ways you didn’t realize was possible, but I do believe breastfeeding desensitized me.  Even with the awkwardness, it only lasts a few minutes.  And if you are lucky like me, the nurse’s friendliness makes those few minutes fly by.

And then you’re done. Of course then the waiting time begins, probably the most stressful of all.  I was told to not be surprised if I get a call back to come back in for further testing.  This is supposedly normal for first time mammogrammers because they have nothing to compare your images to.  If all is normal, expect an email, but probably the call.  Either way, longest 3-4 business days ever.  Am I right?

So what is beauty to me?  Or better yet, what makes a woman beautiful?



But making the decision to take care of ourselves, our bodies, our breasts and striving to do all we can to remain healthy and fix anything that needs fixing, makes us women even more beautiful.

There are other things that make us beautiful–our pride, our strength, and our resolve!

Take pride in our beings, inside and out. Be proud of who we are. Have the strength to be all we can, including taking all measures to ensure our health. Find the strength to do what’s necessary to regain that health.  And have the resolve to be our #1. If we love us, nothing else matters.

And boobs.

Tiffany A. White's "I Got This" Face
My ‘I Got This!” Face. And yes; I’m wearing PINK for Boobies! (Copyright Tiffany A. White)

It’s time for me to now go brew another cup of my Heaven, my lifeline, my momma juice as I call it–COFFEE–and play dinosaurs and blocks.  Oh, the life of a boy mom!

Thanks again to August for hosting such an awesome event and for inviting me to participate.  As wonderful and as beautiful as us women are, we do need the reminder now and again.

Be sure to stop by Beauty of a Woman #BOAW2018 to join in the fun.

Until next time…


Update — “No evidence of breast cancer or other significant abnormality!”  Such beautiful words.  I do have dense breast tissue, but was told that’s nothing to worry about–it’s only a talking point for my next visit with my OB/GYN.  YAY!


Tiffany A. White is the author of the YA mystery Football Sweetheart series available on Kindle and Nook.  She is available for contact via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or via email at tiffany {at} tiffanyawhite {dot} com.


This post is part of The Beauty of a Woman BlogFest VII!  To read more entries, and potentially win a fun prize, visit the fest page on August McLaughlin’s site between today and 11pm PST March 9th.


13 Replies to “Taking Care of Our Girls – Beauty of a Woman #BOAW2018”

  1. We do need to take care of our girls–and love them whatever they look like at any given point in our lives. It’s amazing how they can change. Great post, Tiffany!

    1. Thanks, Diana! It’s amazing how everything changes on our bodies over the years. I understand why so many women struggle with loving their bodies, but each one is an amazing work. We have to do everything we can to care for ourselves!

  2. I was just asking my nurse practitioner about when I needed to start doing this. I love that you took this festival to give platform to an important cause! You got this, mama! Your boys have an inspiring woman to teach them about self love and care!

  3. Thanks for a sensitive and wonderful blog post about the health of our girls. I loved the post entirely.
    And I had to giggle a bit. Because it seems my BOAW post is about women’s health too – just the lower regions.
    I enjoyed reading your post!

  4. Ugh. Between you and AJ, I feel like I just got mom-smacked about physical self care. Okay, okay! I get it. Go see my doctor. Sheesh. Way to make me put on my big girl panties. 😉

  5. Oh, this is timely! I was just thinking about the fact that I’ll soon be starting to get annual mammograms–and wondered about the pain, too. 🙂 Taking care of and respecting our bodies, breasts included, is so important.

    And side note, I recently had an awesome chat with a sex educator on my show about breast fixation and some of the wackiness there. Another topic, but yet another reason your post is timely for me! Thanks again for joining us, Tiffany!

  6. Yes totally agree with all of this and it hit close to home. A lady I work with just had her annual mammogram in her late 50s and they found a lump she actually had the lumpectomy today. So yes so very important to take care of ourselves and the girls!

  7. Just had a conversation yesterday with my primary care physician’s nurse about getting a mammogram, and I am in my 66th year. I have not had one for a while, a long while, and I was not planning on having any more but your post and the coaxing of my physician’s nurse tells me to go ahead, get checked. It’s free, and it’s the right thing to do. Thanks for the encouragement but mostly, thanks for the lovely post. Such beauty in that.

  8. A lovely reminder. I couldn’t agree more about taking care of the body. Healthy is beautiful.
    Confession: I used to despise my breasts as they are not ‘perfect’.
    Not anymore. 🙂

  9. Wonderful post, Tiffany. Your post and Aurora’s go together quite well! Your post about breastfeeding was one of my all time faves, especially this part: “Our breasts produce the antibodies our kiddos need to fight off ailments. Without getting too scientific, their saliva enters the breast through one of the many milk ducts and our body recognizes when something is “off.” The female body then produces exactly what the baby needs to help fight whatever it is that is wrong. All through the boob.” Amazing and awesome!

    I love photos of baby feet. Love your little boys’ tootsies. So sweet!

  10. So happy you, your girls, and your boys got the all-clear!
    I have to confess – I’m nearly 49, and haven’t gone yet. My girls are super-sized and menopausal, and I’ve been nervous. But my big kids, 16 and 13, just lost their dad…and they need a healthy mom for at least a few more years.
    Thanks for making your annual post a nudge for me!

  11. What a fantastic post Tiffany! I’m go glad your results came back clear 🙂 This line really struck me “But making the decision to take care of ourselves, our bodies, our breasts and striving to do all we can to remain healthy and fix anything that needs fixing, makes us women even more beautiful.” Thank you for reminding me to never stopping taking care of myself. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we help anybody else?! Happy Festing!

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